Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Seelenmesse für Ernst Fuchs

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Announcement - Invitation for the opening on September 30th

Exhibition Kunsthaus Reitbahn 3, Ansbach, Germany
September 30. to October 23. 2016
Great write-up in a Bavarian Newspaper covering the Exhibition:
Spiel mit der Wirklichkeit - Magischer Realismus
​click photo above to view large image in my Flickr album - opens in separate window

The opening of this exhibition,

announced in my website blog earlier HERE went very well. 

Slide show from my Flickr album :
​Artists in this exhibition:
Udo Winkler
​Michael Engelhardt - Wolfgang Harms - Hanno Karlhuber - Michael Maschka - Jo und Hans Niklaus - Otto Rapp - Susanne Steinbacher
Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Reitbahn 3, Ansbach, Germany
The majority of these photos were taken prior to the opening during installation. 

Previous blog entry on the website of Otto Rapp:  ​MAGISCHER REALISMUS - ANSBACH