Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
The Nerdrum Affair - American Art magazine
Monday, December 5, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
GERD BANNUSCHER Exhibition at the Palais Palffy
Friday, November 25, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
As an Affiliate of blurb, we are now able to offer 15% off with this special promo code:
Offer valid now through 11/30 - this may be advantageous to you if your order is larger, such as purchasing multiple books on the same order.
Don't put shopping for the holidays on the back-burner this year because I’m excited to share with you that now through 11/30 you can save 15% off your Blurb order with promo code AFFILIATE15OFF. Here are some of my favorite gift ideas:
Make a truly special gift with the Instagram Photo Book with the photos you've taken with your cellphone. Gather up those sacred family recipes and create a cookbook perfect for family and friends! Create a custom notebook for all the kids to take back to school. You can use your family photos or pictures from summer vacation! Blurb has all the tools and customization for you to make unique gifts for everyone on your list.
To add to your shopping basket, while using the the same 15% off special promo code, consider the
VISIONARY ART YEARBOOK 2010 - 2011 by Otto Rapp
Happy Shopping!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
PETER GRIC BOOK - Paintings From the First Decade of the New Millennium
Paintings From the First Decade of the New Millennium
also availabe in deluxe softcover standard landscape edition, 10 × 8 in - US $37.24
As an Affiliate of blurb, we are now able to offer 15% off with this special promo code:
Offer valid now through 11/30 - this may be advantageous to you if your order is larger, such as purchasing multiple books on the same order.
Don't put shopping for the holidays on the back-burner this year because I’m excited to share with you that now through 11/30 you can save 15% off your Blurb order with promo code AFFILIATE15OFF. Here are some of my favorite gift ideas:
Make a truly special gift with the Instagram Photo Book with the photos you've taken with your cellphone. Gather up those sacred family recipes and create a cookbook perfect for family and friends! Create a custom notebook for all the kids to take back to school. You can use your family photos or pictures from summer vacation! Blurb has all the tools and customization for you to make unique gifts for everyone on your list.
To add to your shopping basket, while using the the same 15% off special promo code, consider the
VISIONARY ART YEARBOOK 2010 - 2011 by Otto Rapp
Happy Shopping!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Visionary Art Yearbook - Sale
Use promo code BIGTEN at the check-out!
Offer valid through November 30, 2011 (11:59 p.m. local time). Receive USD $10.00 off product totals. Minimum purchase is USD $29.95. This offer is good for one-time use, and cannot be combined with other promotional codes, volume discounts, gift cards, or used for adjustments on previous orders.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Palais Palffy Newsletter - November 2011
im Palais Palffy
Josefsplatz 6, 1010 Wien
Tel: +43(1)512 56 81
Fax.: +43(1)512 31 56
Mobil.:+43 (0)664 131 77 31
mailto: office@palais-palffy.at
Galerie Szaal aus Wien zeigt die Sonderausstellung: DE ES "Planetarier"
Unter dem Motto „Art Personalities" präsentiert Galerie Szaal immer wieder bedeutende österreichische Künstlerpersönlichkeiten der Gegenwart. Diesmal fiel ihre Wahl auf DE ES.
DE ES wurde 1942 in Gresten, Niederösterreich, als Dieter Schwertberger geboren.
Der Künstler studierte zunächst an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Malerei bei Sergius Pauser und Maltechnik der Alten Meister bei Ernst Fuchs. 1968 übersiedelte Schwertberger in die Schweiz, wo er bereits mit zahlreichen Ausstellungen reüssierte. Nach der Rückkehr 1972 wurde er Assistent von Ernst Fuchs auf der Sommerakademie in Reichenau. Ab 1975 folgte ein elfjähriger Aufenthalt in New York, wo die ersten Bilder für sein Lebensprojekt „Friedensdom" – ein Bauwerk für einen Zyklus aus hundert Bildern – entstanden. Seit 1986 lebt und arbeitet der Künstler in Wien.
Zu Beginn der 60er Jahre malte Schwertberger surreale, utopische Räume und Szenerien, die formal zunächst eher dem Phantastischen Realismus zuzuordnen waren. Im Lauf der Zeit entwickelte er daraus einen eigenen, sehr persönlichen Stil, der ihn zu einem der herausragenden Vertreter der „visionary art" werden ließ – Schwertberger betrachtet sich als Suchender, der das Gefundene in der „Sprache der Bilder" mitteilt. Seine Botschaft von „Sinn und Verwandlung" gewinnt klaren Ausdruck und Intensität durch präzisen Umgang mit Licht, Raum und Textur.
Ãœber die „Planetarier", die während der WIKAM im Atrium des Palais Niederösterreich ausgestellt sind und auch erworben werden können, sagt der Künstler: „Diese sind Friedenswächter, die aus einer Welt ohne Grenze", aus der Dimension der Ganzheit kommen. Da sie alle gleich und doch auch alle verschieden sind, regen sie den Dialog von „Vielheit und Einheit", „Gleichheit und Unterschied" an."
Diese überlebensgroßen Skulpturen wurden bereits mehrmals erfolgreich im In- und Ausland gezeigt. So wurden im Jahre 1991 anlässlich der 800 Jahre Feier der Stadt Bern 40 „Planetarier" auf dem Gurtenberg ausgestellt, und im Jahre 2000 fand die Installation „100 Planetarier Am Himmel" in Wien statt.
Sonderausstellung DE ES Planetarier
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Siegfried Zademack Exhibition at the Palais Palffy in Vienna
La Galleria Pall Mall - Exhibition "The Society for Art of Imagination "
On November 8th, the 51st Exhibition of the longest -running group of Fantastic/visionary artists opens in London at La Galleria, Pall Mall. The Society for Art of Imagination was founded in 1961 by a small group of 5 artists, but has grown to be one of the largest groups of Visionary artists, with over 400 members from 23 countries. It has also been registered as an American Charity.
This Exhibition will be opened by a world renown harpist, Professor David Watkins, who will give a recital of harp music after his opening speech.
Another feature of this show will be the emphasis on large Sculptures, which will for the first time challenge the dominance of paintings. There will be originals and prints, with work from many artists including Giger, Laurie Lipton, Brigid Marlin and Michael Fuchs. Altogether it should be an exciting show!
The Exhibition runs from the 7th - 12th of November
La Galleria Pall Mall
30 Royal Opera Arcade
London SW1Y 4UY
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Il 2 novembre prossimo si inaugura a Palazzo Valentini(Via IV novembre 119/A, Sala Egon Furstenberg, ore 18,00) la mostra di un pittore singolare: Felice Pedretti, nato in un sobborgo di Città del Capo, dove comincia ben presto a disegnare e a dipingere, ma a sedici anni condotto dai genitori a Roma, dove ha la fortuna di conoscere Luigi Ferrero, un artista che lavora per il Vaticano e che lo avvia allo studio dell'arte antica e del restauro. Ma allo studio dei maestri antichi aggiunge lo studio di alcuni maestri moderni, fra cui Giorgio de Chirico, per il quale concepisce una vera propria passione, senza rinunciare però a conquistarsi un proprio stile. Egli può essere definito un neometafisico. E’ presentato in catalogo da Costanzo Costantini, il critico del "Messaggero" che ha dedicato al fondatore della metafisica e al precursore del surrealismo due libri: Il pittore glorioso, che apparve presso Sugarco nel I978, quando il pictor optimus era ancora vivo, e IL Monomaco - colui che combatte da solo, pubblicato dalla Galleria Ulisse di Roma. La mostra, che resterà aperta sino all’11 novembre 2011, si avvale anche dei contributi critici della professoressa Maria Teresa Benedetti e del professore Roberto Maria Siena.
Per scaricare l'invito cliccare qui: http://www.pedrettifelice.it/
Opening on November 2, at Palazzo Valentini in Rome, an exhibition of a unusual painter, Felice Pedretti, who was born in a suburb of Cape Town, where he began in early age to draw and paint. At age sixteen he moved with his parents to Rome, where he had the fortune to meet Luigi Ferrero, an Artist who worked for the Vatican and that initiated him to the study of ancient art and restoration. To the study of old masters he added some modern masters, including Giorgio de Chirico, for whom he conceived a true passion, though without renouncing to achieve his own style. He may be considered a neo-metaphysical Artist. He is presented in the catalog by Costanzo Costantini, the famous Art critic and journalist that dedicated to the founder of metaphysics and the precursor of surrealism two books: The glorious painter, that appeared at Sugarco in I978, while the "pictor optimus" was still alive, and The Monomachus - one who fights alone; published by Ulysses Gallery in Rome. Professor Maria Teresa Benedetti and Professor Roberto Maria Siena, two other historian critics, will also add their critical contributions.
The exhibition will remain open until the 11th of November 2011.
weitere Infos unter www.hanno-karlhuber.at
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Art of the Mystic 2012 Calendars available from DeviantArt
CALENDAR Version 1
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Irina Lesik, Exhibition "Visurile Moldovei" in Viechtach
2002 absolvierte sie das College für Malerei, und 2007 die Akademie für Theaterwissenschaft, Musik und Malerei.
Lesik Iren nahm an zahlreichen Ausstellungen in Moldavien und Russland teil und hat sich inzwischen auch als Fotografin einen Namen gemacht. Ihre Bilder befinden sich in Privatsammlungen u.a. in Russland, Italien, Südafrika und Deutschland.
In 2002 she graduated from the College of Painting, and in 2007 the Academy of Theatre Studies, Music and Painting.
Lesik Irina took part in numerous exhibitions in Russia and Moldova, and has since made a name foe herself as a photographer. Her paintings are in private collections in in Russia, Italy, South Africa and Germany.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
PhantastenmuseumWien in Berlin - Galerie Dikmayer Berlin
Zorica Aigner, Heike Wasmann, Peter Klitsch, Sigrid Nepelius, Martina Hoffmann,
Luigi La Speranza, Otto Rapp, Pari Ravan, Amanda Sage, Rita Stern, Editha Taferner,
Eduard Diem, Peter Proksch
Montag und Mittwoch 15 bis 20 Uhr
U-Bahnhof Märkisches Museum
Tiefgarage in der Fischerinsel-Passage ausreichend vorhanden, Einfahrt Fischerinsel.
Weitere Daten zur Ausstellung, Standort und Anfahrtsskizze bitte dem Anhang entnehmen.
Bitte bestätigen Sie kurz per Mail oder Telefon Ihr Kommen.
Galerie Dikmayer Berlin
Palais am Festungsgraben
Telefon-Kontakt zur Presse&Ausstellung
Galerie Dikmayer Berlin
Postfach 640104
10047 Berlin