Wednesday, March 4, 2015

MANILA ART - return of artwork

below is a copy of the tread on the closed Facebook group ENDANGERED VISIONS - member artists of this group may access (and comment on) this post directly HERE

so what yo see below does not exist anymore on Facebook
Here is a link to a new pinned tread

lets see how long it stays up!

FOR ARTISTS WHO ARE WAITING FOR THEIR WORKS TO BE RETURNED: We are still currently waiting for the tracking number that Jon Gotiong promised everyone. Please bear with us that we are doing the best we can to hasten the process. Be assured that all your works will be returned. the Delays that was caused on the Part of Jon is really degrading on our part(Me and Amy). We apologize for whatever trouble this has caused everyone.
ForTHOSE WHO HAVE AN ISSUE ABOUT THEIR PAYMENTS: Jon handled all the dealings of your artworks, whatever payments,discounts,follow ups, that was made it was on him. He has left me wondering alone also regarding the second phase of the show as well as the negotiations he had made. Whatever troubles he has cause, my apologies as well.
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More Updates - copied from the Facebook group:

Re-edit: artists whose works are expected to be returned. We are just settling things with jon gotiong re:errors in shipping. But rest assured we will make sure your works will be returned.thank you and sorrh for all e troules of delays.

... the Story continues:

Any word on when works will be returned? Still waiting on mine. Thanks.
  • Gromyko Semper hi joe...still waiting for john's response...curently there has been an error,again,unfortunately on the return of all the works, but we have faith,with Amy's help that we shall have the works returned soon..
  • Amy Wong Loste Hi everyone, as of this morning, I received an update from Jon Go Tiong (which I will verify shortly with the forwarder) that of the two batches missent, the one from Singapore has been retrieved and is on its way back to Manila. We're waiting for news of the shipment sent to Danny Malboeuf in the US. Danny has graciously agreed to notify us as soon as he's been informed of/received it and will assist us in reverting back the shipment. From Manila, the individual pieces will be resent back to you for their final and proper destinations. All this is now being directly handled by ECX Forwarders (where most of you shipped your works orginally), which was contracted by Jon for all shipping matters. They are also taking care of the costs of transport as they were responsible for the error to begin with. Thanks once again for your patience. We will relay the updates as we receive them.

e individual pieces will be resent back to you for their final and proper destinations. All this is now being directly handled by ECX Forwarders (where most of you shipped your works orginally), which was contracted by Jon for all shipping matters. They are also taking care of the costs of transport as they were responsible for the error to begin with. Thanks once again for your patience. We will relay the updates as we receive them.
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Bernard Dumaine said...

This is weird


This should be proof positive that BLACK HOLES do exist!


From all accounts it appears now that works had been returned. I had received mine, though I needed to go to customs and explain that it was a return of my own work (and to the originating country, Austria), otherwise I would have been charged VAT. While time consuming, it was relatively easy (after waiting for a customs officer for over one hour, plus the trip to the outskirts of the city where the office was located) and done in less than one minute, once it was my turn.
I am glad that this ordeal is now over, but it strengthened my resolve to avoid participating in exhibitions outside my area, that is Schengen (EU).