Please note: Links to the private network pages will only be accessible to signed-in members.
To view all the members works, and much more, please go to our public websites
The following is a copy of the broadcast sent to our members:
Dear Members of the Visionary Art Network,
It has been months since the last Broadcast Spring 2015! More new artists joined our network since then - please welcome (links open to the respective artists pages on the private network:
On our public page, the Visionary Art Gallery we feature the Artists of the Month - check them out, there is a slide show that shows all of them back to our first opening of the site in 2009! The pictures link to their respective pages in the VAG.
Visitor Statistics for the Visionary Art Gallery, pulled this morning:
 You should be visiting - and browsing - our PRIVATE NETWORK: nowhere else will you find so much pertinent information about our world-wide community packed in our Navigation, as well as Notes, Blogs and the RSS feeds found in the side bars on either side. Important: you need to have a sufficient number of pictures uploaded to be featured in our PUBLIC ON-LINE VISIONARY ART GALLERY - you may want to re-read the New Members Info Note for details.
There are now over 13,336 Images on file as of date of this posting!
PS: I am duplicating this broadcast as a Network Note. It appears that some members are not receiving the broadcasts.
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